I'm having trouble with finding a workable wedding date. I would love to have my wedding in March or April, because that's when Louisiana is at it's best. I mean, top notch secnery perfect for an outdoor wedding.
But I want Amber to be able to comedown and enjoy herself, and have a mini-vacation. I want her to be able to come down for long weekends and go dress shopping and help me with this crazy process. And I know that unless I give her some time to re-up her vacation bank, and not to mention bank account She can't do those things.
So, I thought maybe early October. That's when it's starting to cool off, and things are still pretty great around here. Temperatures in the 70s mostly, and fall leaves are pretty great too. Well, My family is a football loving group. So much so, that i have a gripping fear I will be planning a wedding for 25 people should I have it on the day of an LSU football game. There is ONE weekend, in October when there is no game at all (the only free weekend for the whole season), so, a date of October 16, 2010 was set. I called my dream venue this morning (which also happens to be one of the cheaper venues in town), and they're already booked for my date. I don't want to move it to a Friday, and Sunday's are out of the question (what kind of party could i have the night before Monday? The answer is not a fun one.)
The next football-game-less weekend isn't until December. I suppose I could have it during an away game, but then I pretty much have to have the game projected onto the wall of my recpetion if I want anyone to stay for the whole thing. This would be easier if any of the games were ever during the day, then I could just have the wedding after the game (but risk sad guests if the Tigers lose). But the SEC is nuts, and has all the games start at 7pm.
I'm surprised that its harder to find a venue open further away than closer --- did you ask the same venue about dates close to that date? Usually they can bump you by a weekend - also I don't know how you feel about Friday evening weddings but that would pretty much completely eliminate football drama and end up being quite cost effective- we've already saved a couple thousand dollars by having a Friday night wedding.
Also I really appreciate the effort that you've gone to, to make sure that I really can be a big part of your day. I just think about how sad it would be if we couldn't be at each other's functions. Just say you were getting Married May 22, 2010 - chances are our bachelorette parties/ showers/ weddings would actually conflict with one another's it would be a planning nightmare for the people throwing our showers to try NOT to plan them on days that a party is planned for the other one - and so stressful for both of us to jet set back and forth for 2 months!
Just a thought but hang in there once you get the venue things will look a lot rosier!
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