Re: Amber's Comment about friday weddings.

My friend Amber made a comment on my last post.  One of the questions was about having a Friday night wedding to eliminate football drama.
The problem with that is that on Friday nights, we tailgate.  Yep.  My family sets up shop to tailgate more than 24 hours before the game starts.  We're hardcore like that.  RV's, grills, 3-4 coolers filled with beer, the whole 9 yards.  We don't do ANYTHING by halves around here.  And we're not the only family like this in town, so I really wasn't surprized to hear that the date was booked already. 
But anyway here's the other problem with Friday night weddings at the venue I like.  They are actually MORE expensive there, and they wont start the ceremony until 7pm.  Half of my family goes to bed at 8.  I'd like them to be able to enjoy the reception at least a little bit.  and I was thinking more like having it all run from about 5:30-10:30ish.  I would be alowed to do that on Saturday, but not on Sunday.
However, The more I think about the woman who I talked to on the phone (who is the woman who would become my wedding planner should I book the joint) the more I think that's not the place for me.  She was VERY pushy about me coming in as soon as possible so she could draw up a contract, and even wanted me to come in without my mom (who needs to be there, because she's paying, so ultimatley this is her decision too).  I don't like feeling rushed into anything with a contract, and I was less than pleased that she was giving me the "I don't know how long I can hold the 15th for you" bit when I already told here I wasn't sure about having it on a Friday.  I'm not signing contracts unless i'm 100% lady.  And that's that.
Anyway, i'm going to take it as a sign that it's not the place for me, and God has something else in mind.  To be honest, I wasn't very sure about the venue to begin with, it's owned by a somewhat famous chef (for the area) who I'm not going to name.  I have several friends who know him well, and he's not a very great guy.  He doesn't pay half of the people who do work for him, and assumes that if he gives you a meal ont he house, that's as good as payment (regardless of how much the payment was supposed to be for).  And I'm not sure I want to give him my bussiness. 
So, at least now it's settled that i know where my wedding wont be. 
I did happen upon another venue, it's outdoors, surrounded by trees, and has a gazebo on site for ceremonies.  It's cheaper.  The event staff (as far as i've seen) is very nice, and got back to me very quickly yesterday.  So, we'll see how that works out.


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