I had really hoped to blog about my engagement pictures today, however, our photographer is still working on the processing.

So, instead, I bring you:  MY FURBABY, Charlie:

In May of 2008 I dogsat for a friend of mine who has a 110 pound black lab mix (named Dr. Frankenfurter).  I grew up with a black lab, and love dogs.  Being around Frankie reminded me of how much I missed having a dog in my life.  Around this time, I also discovered long coat Chihuahuas.  A friend of mine got one, and it was the sweetest dog I'd ever met.  Long coats are bred to select for personality traits mostly, and personally, I find them WAY cuter than smooth coats.

One day on a whim, Brett and I decided to stop in a pet store and play with puppies.  We had decided on getting a dog from a shelter after we moved in June, and I wanted to get a feel for what type of dog we would be compatible with.  First we played with a Min-Pin, who aggrivated Brett's allergies so much that he was immediatley out of the question.

Next we looked into a window, and saw two dogs, one was a sleeping 2 pound long coat chihuahua.  I asked the girl to get him for me, and as soon as I held him, I was in love.  He nuzzled up to my neck, cuddled with me, and fell asleep right there.  We asked how much he was.  Over $2,000, but if we paid in cash today, they would knock off 15%.  Brett said no, and I cried the whole way home.  He went back to Cleveland that night (at the time were Long distance), and over the course of 3 days, I went to visit this amazingly sweet pup 2 more times.  Each time it was harder to give him back.  Eventually, I convinced Brett that he would make a wonderful birthday present, while simultaneously convincing the pet store to give us a 50% discount on the pup that I had already named Charlie.

Charlie relaxes after a long walk.

Brett paid by credit card over the phone, and I took him home on Wednesday. 

Since then he has brought something into our lives that we never knew we could have with a dog.  He is pretty darn close to perfect.  He almost never barks (the exception being if he thinks that there might be an intruder coming to get us), he snuggles with us like a champ, he's as sweet as can be, and he's our little slice of awesome.  He is five pounds of pure sugar.

Back to workouts!

Well, I went back to working out with Muscles on Monday night (I hadn't gone in TWO MONTHS!) and I'm still sore all over.  I took time off from the gym and my running while I was sick, and barley had the energy to stand, and now that I'm feeling better, it's time to get back into the swing of things.

In other news, while I normal put an "embargo" on Christmas decorations until after Thanksgiving, I'm doing things different this year.  The tree still wont go up until next week, but stonkings have been hung, lights have been strung, and Christmas Candies fill the decorative wooden bowls around my apartment.  I'm listening to Christmas albums, baking cookies, and taking in the spirit of the season.

I want this year to be a great Christmas.

My entire life, the only real tradition my family has had has been that my brother and I wake up early, rouse our parents, and everyone unwraps presents while we watch "A Christmas Story" as a family, and then we spend the rest of the day eating, playing and never changing out of Pajamas (unless we were in Lousiana, in that case, we changed and went to MawMaws house for homemade candy, and an endless feast).  Christmas has always been my favorite holiday, no one faught, no one cried, and no one yelled (unless it was a yell of "YAY I LOVE IT").  Last year was the first year that I didn't wake up at my parents house.  I didn't know that it was going to be the last time I even had the chance.  Instead Boyfriend and I trecked up to Ohio to visit his family and (aside from being there to visit with Amber) it was not an enjoyable trip for me.  His family had tricked us and said the family dinner would be ON Christmas, it wasn't, it was 2 days later (so, in short, we could've done both family celebrations but instead I got cheated out of seeing my brother, spending the last Christmas together as a family, and I spent Christmas morning crying because I was homesick). 

I want this Christmas to start a new tradition.  One for me and Boyfriend.  I just don't know what it will be yet.  This will be the first year that we wake up together in our own place on Christmas morning.  I want it to be fantastic.


So, Yesterday was a somewhat enlightening day for me.  And I have some "resolvements" this morning so to speak, so now, in twitter style:

I have resolved that:
-Starbucks will never spell my name correctly on a cup (because Rachel is just TOO hard I guess)
-There are worse things in life than getting laid off from a job you hate
-That, yes in fact, I do want to be a Chemical Engineer
-That moving into Project Management one day is still my upmost goal.
-That I hate THIS job... not this profession.
-That "Passion Tea" is a horrible substitute for green tea at starbucks, but it's the only decaf tea option, so I'll drink it anyway.

I think that's about it.  I'm starting to look at the lay off as a positive thing.  At the very worst case I will be out of work for a month-ish until work starts coming in at my "home company" (they have the contracts, just not the physical workload).  I will be in a place where I can learn a little bit more.  I can ask for more money now.  I will be in a better place to learn from Project Managers.  This is a good thing.

Now, I want to respond to the comment that Amber Lane left on my post yesterday.  Indeed, I am more fun, energetic, and social than most engineer types.  And I think that is what will make me a good Project Manager.  It is a job perfectly suited for me.  It's filled with spreadsheets, file folders, teamwork, and (my favorite) team building outings!  There is in fact a 5 year plan (which I will naturally be altering slightly today, given the new set of variables) (also, naturally, it's been put into a gannt chart, because, I am a dork) to get me there.  It's all just a matter of building myself as an engineer first.  Also, while I would LOVE to move back to Ohio and start fabulous party planning with you, the snow will have to leave first.  No more snow for me.  Snow is evil.

Well Readers, Here's to a fruitful job hunt! :D

This morning I recieved news that as of December 11th, I will be laid off.  At least I have a whole month to look for something else.  The trouble I'm having is that I'm not sure that I want to stay in Chemical Engineering.  I hate the job I have now.  I don't get it.  I loved all my internships, maybe it's just THIS job.

I don't know, I've been fantasizing latley about other career paths.  Nursing, Wedding Planning, Activity Co-ordinating... something with more face to face interaction.  My problem is that I don't know how to ebb into any of those feilds, and I also know that I like money, and wont make the amount of money that I make now, at least, not initially.  I don't know what to do.
I know, I know.  It's been over 2 weeks.  In my defense, Things have been hectic, though not in any kind of exciting way to provide any bloggy material.

Anyhow; After my doctor apointment on the 30th I found out what has been casing me grief in my stomach.  I have what is apparently a fairly severe case of Acid Reflux as well as something called a "Sliding Hiatus Hernia" (what this means is that due to stress, the muscles in my eusaphagus have tensed so much that they are litterally pulling my stomach into my chest cavity.)  The doctor perscribed Nexium and a reduction in stress.  Reduction in stress is a tricky one for me.  Right now I'm working on avoiding the foods that add to the stress effects in my body (fatty foods, caffeine, chocolate, alcohol, etc.)  Fatty foods has been the easiest.  Lack of caffeine and chocolate means that I cannot have my favorite winter treat: Starbucks Pepermint White Mocha.  Oh yea, I'm also supposed to avoid pepermints... I've switched to a decaf green tea in the mornings (Thank You Arizona Tea company for making your diet green tea in decaf!)

Reduction in stress is not going so well.  This is a tricky one for me.  I tend to worry and stress over little things, and planning a wedding + parents divorce + Brett potentialy losing his job + every day normal stresses doesn't bode well for me.  But I will work on my coping mechanisms, and things will get better.

In happier news, I'm still IN LOVE with the clarisonic.  I'm using it religiously, and in return it has given me some GREAT skin.  I haven't worn concealer in weeks, and I completley skipped my "about to start my period" face breakout this month.

I also booked a DJ for the wedding.  He is somewhat expensive, but, Has amazing reviews all over the web and I feel like a good DJ can really make or break the "party theme" of an event.  And I want booties on the dance floor.

That's about it as far as "news in Rachel Land goes"  See, two weeks, in a quick update.  So, that's that.