I know, I know. It's been over 2 weeks. In my defense, Things have been hectic, though not in any kind of exciting way to provide any bloggy material.
Anyhow; After my doctor apointment on the 30th I found out what has been casing me grief in my stomach. I have what is apparently a fairly severe case of Acid Reflux as well as something called a "Sliding Hiatus Hernia" (what this means is that due to stress, the muscles in my eusaphagus have tensed so much that they are litterally pulling my stomach into my chest cavity.) The doctor perscribed Nexium and a reduction in stress. Reduction in stress is a tricky one for me. Right now I'm working on avoiding the foods that add to the stress effects in my body (fatty foods, caffeine, chocolate, alcohol, etc.) Fatty foods has been the easiest. Lack of caffeine and chocolate means that I cannot have my favorite winter treat: Starbucks Pepermint White Mocha. Oh yea, I'm also supposed to avoid pepermints... I've switched to a decaf green tea in the mornings (Thank You Arizona Tea company for making your diet green tea in decaf!)
Reduction in stress is not going so well. This is a tricky one for me. I tend to worry and stress over little things, and planning a wedding + parents divorce + Brett potentialy losing his job + every day normal stresses doesn't bode well for me. But I will work on my coping mechanisms, and things will get better.
In happier news, I'm still IN LOVE with the clarisonic. I'm using it religiously, and in return it has given me some GREAT skin. I haven't worn concealer in weeks, and I completley skipped my "about to start my period" face breakout this month.
I also booked a DJ for the wedding. He is somewhat expensive, but, Has amazing reviews all over the web and I feel like a good DJ can really make or break the "party theme" of an event. And I want booties on the dance floor.
That's about it as far as "news in Rachel Land goes" See, two weeks, in a quick update. So, that's that.
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